This reality show is all about design, unlike other competing shows that revolve around renovating. The series is comprised of nine 50-minute episodes where three couples are carefully chosen by the producers of the show to design and build the interior of three identical houses. The couples are followed as...
Eight ordinary people are picked to be on the show. The participants agree to follow an 8 week program based on Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar’s famous lectures and books on the subject of happiness and how to achieve it. The show focuses on an important lesson in each episode, participants are...
Mr.Bjarnfredarson is the story of GEORG, a hapless man, out of synch with society, who needs to find redemption before time runs out. Based on a wildly popular and award winning television series, Mr. Bjarnfredarson is the final, stand-alone chapter documenting the lives of the overbearing communist Georg, the timid...
When ambulance chasing tabloid reporter Baldur travels deep into the highlands to investigate the death of a security guard at one of the most remote power stations in the country, he quickly discovers that the handful of isolated local workers don’t take kindly to strangers. Baldur, known by his colleagues...
It is a world without language. A world where one is raised to respect the rules. Every possession is strictly utilitarian. All must wear masks when venturing from home. Men must protect society from outsiders who do not follow the rules. Faith is dead. Hope is dead. Joy is dead....
The film revolves around Emma who runs a tiny guesthouse and diner in the middle of nowhere. Emma is a peculiar lady and one can imagine she hides age-old secrets and forbidden knowledge mankind has kept from the world. She doesn’t seem to do anything all day except play solitaire...
The movie is a sequel to the Norwegian surprise international hit Dead Snow. Co-produced with Norwegian company Tappeluft and premiered in February 2014 in Sundance. Medical student Martin has, as the only survivor of fellow gang, battled away Herzog’s zombie army and down to the car where he finally aims...
The film shows a strong bond between two brothers that live in a remote fjord with their parents. We look into their world through the eyes of the younger brother and follow him on a journey that marks a turning point in the brothers’ lives. Awards: Winner of the “Special...
This fact based drama chronicles the last journey of Willem Barentsz and Jacob van Heemskerk on their search for a new passage to the Indies. Due to icy waters, they are stranded on the island of Novaya Zemlya and have to spend the winter there. The story is told through...
Her century is a series of 52x4 min short episodes. The documentary was originally made to celebrate 100 year voting anniversary for women. The episodes are shown every week for the whole year 2015 to celebrate this great event. The episodes go from fashion to feminism and everything in between....