A young boy dreams of his first kiss but has little luck in the small fishing village he lives in. His best friends tell him tall tales of the girls in the city, who get high and are down for anything when they’ve had a few smokes. He has a...
Rainbow Party tells the story of Sofia, who realizes that if you can’t beat them, well then you better join them. In her quest to be accepted by the popular girls in her class, Sofia finds herself sacrificing her true friendships and morals. Whoever said that teenage girls were innocent…...
The film shows a strong bond between two brothers that live in a remote fjord with their parents. We look into their world through the eyes of the younger brother and follow him on a journey that marks a turning point in the brothers’ lives. Awards: Winner of the “Special...
Epic Fail is based on true events that happened in Reykjavík, Iceland, not so long ago. This 14 minute film tells the story of a young man who finds himself in extraordinary circumstances and has to take matters into his own hand while placing his trust in strangers at the...
In the desolate fishing village of Patreksfjörður, two men in their seventies share a life together. Their lifelong friendship and comradery comes under a violent attack when an attractive woman their age, suddenly appears in the local hot tub. Awards: Winner of the Grand Prix: Montreal World Film Festival, “Best...
A young man has to go to the hospital for an operation. Upon his arrival he watches paramedics roll out a deceased person from the hospital room he is about to be checked in to. Lying in bed with nothing to do his mind starts to wander. He strikes up...